Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Steroid "play fair"

"Steroid" are they just like daily supplement called "vitamins"?,and my answer would be no. Steroids are Hormones extract like Progesterone,estrogen,Testosterone and some other neural Hormones and mostly steroids like these are used in treating Hormones deficiency in Human like growth Hormones and Insulin Etc.I came across a Documentary
named "Bigger,stronger,faster" created by Christoper Bell which clearly explain the prevail of Steroid in America and how it is affecting the sportsmanship in every athletes.

It was 1988 Seoul Korea "Olympic" the Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson Conquered 100 meters event and bagged gold medal leaving America's Karl Luis second.
After 24 hours of the event Ben was tested positive with Steroids in his body and Karl was announced as the gold medalist and Karl Luis even justified Ben's action,but few years after Karl was the Victim and he justified himself by saying every American Athletes were asked to take these "steroid" as daily intake for display their extraordinary talent.

It was 2002 America on War with Afghanistan. American Jet pilots were prescribed on "Go pills" which is another form of steroids, which keeps you active for long time. These pills are believed to cause depression and confusion sometimes,That's why the pilots bombed 4 of their friendly Canadians and When it came for trial,they pulled it on the "Go pills" and their charges are discharged.

Along with these incidents even America's President is Summoned for a commission on charges for implying his team on Steroids when he was a Coach for Ranger States Baseball team and other Big names are Silverstar Stallion,Arnold Schwarzenegger,Marian Jones who's charged to had use Growth Hormones.Even many High School students were believed to use Neural hormones to Score higher in their Academics and do their home works faster.

No or less deaths are reported because of using steroids when compared to Vitamins supplements. Actually the side effects of using these steroids would be hairs growing abnormally,Turning Bald in case of Male and changes in vocal chords in case of Female and some other would not be appropriate to mention here,but the thing is whether steroids are fair in Games and Athletics. when it is said fair,Probably there will be a All steroids Olympic in future and i can't imagine how it would be. Just see "Bigger Stronger Faster" documentary for further information.

1 comment:

Philip Kingsley said...

It will be more interesting if u give few info on pictures... any its a very good info... Continue to post such good info